아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^아직 사용하진 않았지만 다들 좋은 제품이라고 하니 좋겠죠 ^^

Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
이전 r3 에서도 잘 사용했는데 품질에서는 의심할 여지가 없다. FJ는 클립형 ZJ는 리벳형인데 그냥 체인만 설명되어있으면 내용물에 ZJ 리벳 링크가 같이 있는듯하다. 구매해서 확인하니 같이 있었기 때문이다. 제품설명에 포함되었으면 좋겠다.View Detail

Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
체인과 스프로킷을 교체해야해서 처음에는 한국의 사이트에서 알아보던 중, 위바이크가 떠올라 찾아보기 시작해서한국에서 구매하는 가격보다 몇만원은 아껴서 구매 할 수 있었어요 :)저는 제주도에 거주중이라 배송이 보통 며칠은 더 걸리는데 예상 했던 시기보다 빠르게 배송되어 더욱 좋았습니다.곧바로 교체하러 바이크 센터에 가려 했으나 하필이면 센터가 쉬는 날이라 아직 교체 하지는 못하였지만...바이크의 메뉴얼에 표기 된 규격대로 구매 한 것이라 문제 없으리라 생각합니다.사랑해요 위바이크!View Detail

Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
It was the time to change out the chain and sprockets for Tracer 900 2018. I decided I would go for a VX3 gold chain this time as previously, I have gone with either the chrome or standard finish. I found the correct chain and length by simply checking bike's user manual and that was pretty much it. No need to go on Yamaha parts catalogue as some things, you should just know about the bikes in your household you maintain. Although this is a heavy item, the shipping was pretty good and along with a couple of other small and light parts this worked out really well. I opted for EMS as they were a bit cheaper than my usual Fedex Express. This was already in stock so arrived within like 5 days of ordering. Come on, 5 days from placing the order to arriving at my door in the UK. Brilliant. All the parts in the order were well packed and as I also had a couple of small parts in the order, Webike securely wrapped them individually so even if the chain moved in transit, the smaller parts would not come to harm. I had a quick look at the chain upon arrival and I was speechless. The gold is super nice, it just feels like quality. Why go with anyone else than DID when these guys know exactly what they are doing with chains. All fitted including the front and rear sporockets in less than an hour. This chain looks amazing. I always go to DID for my own bikes and I am pleased with this gold chain. Thank you Webike, great serviceView Detail

Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
금색 도금이 너무 마음에 듭니다. 통관 문제로 생각 보다 배송은 조금 느렸지만 나름 좋은 품질의 체인을 구매해서 매우 기쁘네요아직 장착전이긴 한데 대기어와 소기어를 구매하면 천천히 장착 예정입니다.썬스타 대기어를 구매해서 장착하면 잘 어울릴 것 같네요View Detail

Fits: HONDA CBR500R , KTM LC8 Super moto 11-15 [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 SUPER DUKE 04- [Number of genuine links]112, KTM 990 ADVENTURE R 08 [Number of genuine links]118, KTM 990 ADVENTURE 08 [Number of genuine links]118
It was the time to change out the chain and sprockets for my wife's MT09 Tracer. I decided I would go for a VX3 gold chain this time as previously, I have gone with either the chrome or standard finish. This came up as a sale item and although the 110 link was out of stock, the 112 links was in stock and just an extra £1 so went for that. Cutting off 2 links is not a problem if you have the right tools.I found the correct chain and length by simply checking my wife's bike's user manual and that was pretty much it. No need to go on Yamaha parts catalogue as some things, you should just know about the bikes in your househols you maintain. Although this is a heavy item, the shipping was pretty good and along with a couple of other small and light parts this worked out really well. I opted for EMS as they were a bit cheaper than my usual Fedex Express. This was already in stock so arrived within like 4 days of ordering. Come on, 4 days from placing the order to arriving at my door in the UK. Brilliant. All the parts in the order were well packed and as I also had a couple of small parts in the order, Webike securely wrapped them individually so even if the chain moved in transit, the smaller parts would not come to harm. I had a quick look at the chain upon arrival and I was speechless. The gold is super nice, it just feels like quality. Why go with anyone else than DID when these guys know exactly what they are doing with chains. The chain obviously needed to lose a couple of links so it would fit the bike, pretty easy job if you have the correct tools. All fitted including the front and rear sporockets in less than an hour. This chain looks amazing. I always go to DID for my own bikes and my wife's bike and I am pleased with this gold chain. Thank you Webike, great serviceView Detail