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유튜브 동영상에 맘에 드는 바이크가 있어서 똑같은 시트를 알아봤더니 니트로헤드 시트였습니다. 품질은 매우 우수하지만 인젝션 모델은 별도의 시트용 브라켓 작업이 필요합니다. 브라켓 작업은 쉽습니다. 설명서대로 기존 밧데리커버와 시트홀더를 해체하고 새로운 밧데리커버와 시트홀더를 설치하면 됩니다. 이 시트는 모양도 이쁘고 다 좋은데 약간 딱딱합니다. 그러나 몇일 적응하니 타는데 큰 문제는 없습니다. 1시간 이내 라이딩에 적합합니다.I had a bike like the YouTube video, I saw the same sheet and it was a nitro-head seat. The quality is excellent, but the injection model requires a separate sheet bracket operation. The bracket operation is easy. As a guide, you can dismantle the original battery cover and seat holder and install the new battery cover and seat holder. This seat looks nice and is slightly stiff. However, Taneunde a few days, there is no big problem. Suitable for riding within 1 hour.Translated by Microsoft Translator
Very pleased with my purchase of the NitroHeads Diagonal Viper Seat. Fast shipping, arrived in 5 days to Canada. The seat looks great and adds a lot to the retro styling of the Kawasaki W650. The seat was easy to install with only a minor adjustment, specifically, I had to enlarge four existing factory holes on the underside of the seat in-order to fit the rubber bumpers, wasn't a big problem though. I took the bike out for a 1 1/2 hour ride with the new seat and had no issues with comfort. Great seat! Thank you. View Detail
Seat looks great and in my mind suits the bike. easy to fit took me around 10 minutes. I bought this as the original was giving me a bit of back ache during long rides. If this seats cures that not sure yet. Its rock hard but sure it will soften up with time. Seems well made and meets the description and photos in general pleased with the product. View Detail
seat looks exactly as pictured in the listing. the finishing is also great.But for the expensive price, I have some comments:1. the hardware is not included which is a shame for the price. The OEM stock hardware did not fit perfectly the first time. it required some effort to fit because the screw threads did not line up exactly with the holes on the mechanism. 2. you will need to add your own spacers and find a longer nut because the seat will not lock otherwise, the locking pins do not reach down far enough to engage with the lock on the frame. as a result the seat will not fit flush with the seat hoops at the back.3. not comfortable. not waterproof.for the price you'd expect a perfect fit. and this isnt. considering how uncomfortable it is... 3 stars.View Detail
This seat not only improves the lines of the bike, it dramatically improves your rising position. The build quality and construction are very good. We all know the stock seat is seriously uncomfortable, bagged out, and a really unpleasant shape. The Nitroheads seat helps correct the poor lines of the rear subframe. I think this is the best money you can spend on improving the look of the bike, coupled with removing the stock brake light/turn signals Do it!View Detail
헤드라이트커버를 데이토나 루카스 커버로 변경하려고 브라켓을 구입하였습니다. 튼튼하고 품질이 우수하며 스테인레스 재질이기 때문에 녹이 슬지 않을 거 같습니다. 하지만 35mm 에 맞는 제품인데도 조금 헐렁합니다. 연결할 때 꽉 조여야 할 거 같습니다. 아직 설치 전입니다.purchased the bracket to change the headlight cover to the Daytona Lucas cover. Durable, high quality and stainless steel materials are not rust-resistant. But the 35mm fit is a bit baggy. The connection should be tight when you connect. I am still installing.Translated by Microsoft TranslatorView Detail
세퍼레이트 핸들을 설치하려고 샀습니다. 세퍼레이트 핸들을 설치하려면 핸들만 있어서는 안됩니다. 브레이크, 스로틀, 클러치, 데컴프레션 용 숏 케이블이 있어야 하고 핸들 스토퍼가 있어야 합니다.이 핸들스토퍼는 품질이 매우 우수하고 녹이 나지 않을거 같습니다. 설치는 매우 간단합니다. 볼트 두 개만 연결하면 됩니다.I bought a three-rate handle to install. You should not only have a handle to install the three-rate handles. There must be a short cable for brake, throttle, clutch, or compressor, and the handle stopper must be present. This handle stopper looks very good in quality and does not rust. The installation is very simple. You only have to connect two bolts.Translated by Microsoft TranslatorView Detail
세퍼레이트 핸들을 설치하려고 샀습니다. 세퍼레이트 핸들을 설치하려면 핸들만 있어서는 안됩니다. 브레이크, 스로틀, 클러치, 데컴프레션 용 숏 케이블이 있어야 하고 핸들 스토퍼가 있어야 합니다. 세퍼레이트 핸들의 설치방법은 구글에서 오메가레이서를 검색하시면 쉬울겁니다. 이 핸들은 각도 조절이 가능한 핸들입니다. 설치 후에 나에게 맞게끔 핸들의 각도를 조절할 수 있습니다. 마감과 품질은 괜찮은 편입니다.I bought a three-rate handle to install. You should not only have a handle to install the three-rate handles. There must be a short cable for the brakes, throttle, clutch, and compressor, and the handle stopper must be present. The installation of the sedan handle will be easier for you to search for Omega Racers at Google. This handle is an angle adjustable handle. After installation, you can adjust the angle of the majgeggeum handle to me. The quality of the closure is good.Translated by Microsoft TranslatorView Detail
이 브라켓은 데이토나 블링커를 조금 더 연장해주는 역할을 합니다. 가운데 구멍이 뚤려있어서 전선이 빠져나올 수 있습니다. 정교하고 튼튼하게 만들어져 있습니다. 도장도 깔끔하게 잘 되어 있어서 설치할 때 큰 상처만 안난다면 녹이 슬지 않을 거 같네요This bracket serves as a little more yeonjanghae to the Daytona blazer. You can get the wire out of the center hole. It is made of elaborate and durable. The coating is neatly well, so it is not rust when you install a large sangceoman.Translated by Microsoft TranslatorView Detail
인젝션 모델의 SR400 에 카브 모델용 시트를 장착할 수 있도록 도움을 줍니다. 설치법은 기존의 밧데리 브라켓을 탈거하고 그림에 나와있는 검은색 밧데리 브라켓을 설치합니다. 그리고 연료탱크 볼트 근처에 시트홀더를 탈거하고 설명서에 나와있는대로 새로운 시트홀더를 설치합니다. 끝입니다. 설치시간은 약 15분 정도입니다.The sr400 of the injection model helps to mount the sheet for the curve model. The SEOLCIBEOB will ride the old battery bracket and install the black battery bracket shown in the figure. And the fuel tank will ride the seat holder near the bolt and install the new seat holder as listed in the manual. The end. The installation time is about 15 minutes.Translated by Microsoft TranslatorView Detail