Fits: HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.View Detail
Fits: HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
혼다 레블500에 사용할려고 주문했습니다. 몇번 주문하다보니 벌써 세번째 주문입니다. 오일필터 단품으로 주문하기보단 다른 부품이나 용품들 주문시 몇개씩 추가로 주문하기 좋은 금액대입니다. 혼다 순정품보다는 품질이 조금 아쉽지만 그럼에도 데이토나 제품답게 상당히 품질이 괜찮아서 순정품 대용으로 사용하기 좋습니다.View Detail
Fits: HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
혼다 레블500 순정품 대용품으로 사용하기 좋습니다. 순정품과 같이 놓고 비교해보면 안쪽 마감처리나 패킹부분이 조금은 부족해보이지만 가격적인 측면을 생각해보면 충분히 납득가능한 수준입니다. 엔진오일 교환하면서 오일필터도 같이 교환해주고 천키로미터이상 주행해봤지만 특별히 누유가있거나 이상한 느낌은 없는듯합니다. 앞으로 오일필터는 이제품으로 쭉 이용할것 같습니다. View Detail
Fits: HONDA CB1300SF 10-13 [Type:R] ABS, HONDA CB1300SF 05-09 [Type:R] ABS, HONDA CB1300SF 03-14 [Type:R]., HONDA CB1300SB SP 19-23 [Type:R]., HONDA CB1300SB 14-21 [Type:R] ABS (including E-package)
About quality and textureAbout the feeling of useProducts to buy togetherDifficulty of installationCost performance and comparison with other productsAbout shipping and packagingAny concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasingView Detail
Fits: HONDA 400X 13-18 NC47 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA 400X 19-22 NC56 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.6(2.4), HONDA BROSProduct1 88-90 RC31 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA BROSProduct2 88-90 NC25 Oil quantity(L)*2:2.3(2.2), HONDA CB-1 89-91 NC27 Oil quantity(L)*2:3.1(2.9)
2024년식 레블500에 사용하려고 구매했습니다. 혼다 순정품이 다소비싼 가격이라서 저렴한 자동차용 필터를 사용하는 소유주도 가끔씩있지만 왠지 사용하기가 불안해서 그나마 저렴한 데이토나 제품으로 주문했습니다. 순정품대비 내부마감 처리가 조금 미흡하지만 사용하는데 큰 문제는 없을것같습니다. 순정필터 가격이 부담되는 소유주들에게 추천합니다.View Detail
Fits: SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 07-16 *CK44A/CK45A, SUZUKI BURGMAN400 18-23, SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 01-06 *CK42A/CK43A, SUZUKI SKYWAVE400 burgman 98-00 *CK41A, HONDA FUSIONTypeXX 03-06
Quality is good and the shipping was fast.. thanks you. The size could have also gone a little smaller for my Kawasaki Z H2, but is still ok.View Detail
Fits: HONDA VTR250 98-14 W|Y|3|5|7|9|B|C, HONDA VTR-F 98-14 W|Y|3|5|7|9|B|C, KAWASAKI W400 06-09 A1, KAWASAKI W400 06-09 A2, YAMAHA TT250R
Given the 'budget' price, I wasn't expecting very much, but I should have known better. The Kijima kit is compact, but well thought out (contains sump plug, washer AND some lock wire), but most importantly, is really nicely made. Fitment is spot on as well, with a lovely quality to both the threads and the surface finish. Really pleased with this, so will quite likely get a few more.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA XZR900 15-23 RN46J, RN56J, RN80J[Location of use]Rear, YAMAHA FZ1 FAZER 08-14 RN21J[Location of use]Rear, YAMAHA FZ1 FAZER GT 08-14 RN21J[Location of use]Rear
The OEM Honda pads were slightly more expensive than these, however I am glad I bought these as the marketing blurb puts them better than the stock pads. It made by Nissin sop they will be perfect.View Detail
Fits: HONDA CB1100 EX E PACKAGE 14-16 EBL-SC65 (6SPEED)[location of use]Front, HONDA CB1300SF 14-19 2BL-SC54(ABS)[location of use]Front, HONDA CBR600F SPORT 01-03 (S CBR600F4I)BC-PC35[location of use]Front, HARLEY-DAVIDSON XR 1200 08-11 [part used]Front, HARLEY-DAVIDSON XR 1200X 08-11 [part used]Front
The OEM Honda pads were slightly more expensive than these, however I am glad I bought these as the marketing blurb puts them better than the stock pads. It made by Nissin sop they will be perfect.View Detail
Fits: YAMAHA XZR900 15-23 RN46J, RN56J, RN80J[Location of use]Rear, YAMAHA FZ1 FAZER 08-14 RN21J[Location of use]Rear, YAMAHA FZ1 FAZER GT 08-14 RN21J[Location of use]Rear
As per usual, not only was it less expensive to buy and ship from WeBike, it came packed very well in a nice WeBike box! If you are from North America or in other parts of the world don't think twice about buying from WeBike. Every one of my many purchases have been very positive. That and the selection is great! View Detail